Intelligent Life on Mars
I caught this week's episode of Veronica Mars. (Actually, I taped it and watched it at midnight in anticipation of my all-nighter on Wednesday night.) It's on against Lost, so it requires intentional and meticulous planning if I want to watch. As Wednesday evening comes nearer my excitement over Lost has a tendency to render me paralyzed and incoherent. So, I haven't caught every episode of Veronica Mars this season.
At any rate, I was reminded of how excellent this show is. If you're not watching it, you should. If you're in the market for a show to watch on DVD, watch Veronica's first season.
This comment isn't about Veronica Mars, but about one of your other TV fetishes, the Gilmore Girls. I caught two minutes of it the other day, and I finally got your obsession with Lauren Graham. She looks like Wasteland Spouse.
You are kind trailhead!
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